Wednesday, July 11, 2007
A Memorable Date For Me
Hibiscus Hibiscus coccineus
Originally uploaded by sisudave.
While we were working at the church today, three pickups arrived laden with potted flowers. One of the parishioners is getting married this weekend and are having reception at the new huge church hall. They also set up these table and chairs and large pot of flowers in the patio (it's a brick maize)in the medieval garden. Pictured through grape arbor - my job today was primarily pruning and tieing up the grape vines.
Today would have been my Mom's Birthday. Also was the date my Pop died. Mom didn't listen to music, I think because she was told she was tone deaf and thus didn't get scholarship to go on and become a teacher which was her desire. Pop liked music and listened to Opera. I don't think many except our immediate family would know that about him. He was also very fond of watching Marguerite Piazza, netting covering her cleavage and all in those days, on the Saturday Night Sid Ceasar/Imogene Cocoa TV Show.
If you didn't see this on the news recently you must watch. This guy and the moment is is a video about a young man by the name of Paul Potts, a mobile phone salesman from South Wales, Great Britain - his dream is to spend his life doing what he was born to do.