Sewing Chore
Sewing Chore
As a retiree I don't have a lot of chores, but being single, I do have to take care of myself. I probably don't do it too well, but, hey, I get along. Sewing is one of those things I don't like to do. Usually it just involves sewing back buttons that seem to be forever popping off. I don't know why that happens to little old me. It reminds me of one of my favorite Sunday cartoons I read faithfully as a kid. We bought 4 newspapers on Sundays( New York Daily News, Daily Mirror,Herald Tribune and Journal American) and my dad worked as an auto mechanic. I don't think he ever made more than $3,000 a year and did it for 30 years at the same Ford dealership. In those days all I read was the comics, my brothers read all the sports pages I'm sure, don't know about my sister and Pop, but my Mom read all the papers during the weekdays when she was down on her hands and knees scrubbing the floors.
Anyway, the comic strip in this instance, was Smiling Jack. I remember it was about two guys - one with black hair and one blonde - they were pilots and now I don't know what else the story line was about. But there was another character in the strip and probably looked like I do now only younger appearance - must have been part of the ground crew and he had somewhat, okay he had a pot-belly. In the illustrations it would show him walking around, the buttons popping off his shirt, and several chickens walking around him catching the prizes as the buttons popped off.
My sewing chore this weekend was repairing this pair of pants. I didn't want to consign them to the backyard only set yet, so thought I would try and get a little more use out of them. Knew a patch wouldn't work here so got out the old needle and thread. Probably about the only thing I have left that was Mom's was her sewing cabinet and some of it's contents. I guess the spools of thread in there are probably 50 or more years old anyway. I always thought just about all spools of thread wre cotton - seems to me the word they used was mercerized- and the brand name was Coates&Clarke. I was surprised to see when I got this spool out into the light of my patio (it was too nice a day to sew inside) that the spool was a Cortecelli. I don't know if that's good, but sounds sophisticated, just like the names they always give to fancy chocolates which somehow is supposed to make the chocolate taste better. Funny, but all chocolate seems pretty good to me, especially if it is milk chocolate. And then the bonus of bonuses - it says warranted 50 yards spool {a} SILK. That's nice, real nice! I always like to have everything next to me silky soft. The other bonus is that I'm so pleased with this macro shoot of that pretty small spool came out so clear. I'm getting good.
The job I did is pretty good,also. I know it doesn't look like much, but when you turn the pants, right side out, you can't tell it had ever been ripped. Now all I'll have to remember is not to squat and ruin my hard work. Shouldn't be to difficult to avoid doing at my age.
Have a Happy, Dave
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